At Gridiron Football, a fumbled snap gets placed back at the original spot of the snap and results in a loss of down.
Fumbled Snaps
- Play is whistled dead immediately upon the ball hitting the ground.
- There is no exception for time or if the Quarterback can pick up the ball right away
- Ball is then replaced at original point of snap and down is changed to the next down
- In the event that the ball goes over the head of the defender and lands in the end zone, this play would not result in a safety. It is a dead ball and would return to the original spot.
- 1st Down - Ball is on the 5 yard line and the QB drops the snap from under center. Play is whistled dead once ball hits the ground. Ball will be placed at the 5 yard line. It will then be 2nd down.
- 2nd Down - Ball is on the 5 yard line and QB lines up in shot gun. The shot gun snap misses the quarter back and lands at the 1 yard line. Play is whistled dead once it hits the ground and will be placed at the 5 yard line. It will then be 3rd down.
- 3rd Down - Ball is on the 5 yard line with the QB lined up in a Shot Gun snap position. Ball goes over the QB's head and lands in the end zone.
- This is not counted as a safety as the team never had possession of the ball.
- Another reason we don't count this as a safety is that all teams start at the 5 yard line and it is very easy to snap a ball over a head.
Please note that rules may differ slightly at each local location.