Yes the defense can rush the quarterback from the rushing line which is 10 yards from the line of scrimmage.
1)Before each play is allowed to begin an official will mark off a 10-yard rush line.
2) Defensive players that “rush the passer” must begin the play at this 10-yard mark or further away
from the line-of-scrimmage.
3) Players not rushing the passer may defend the line-of-scrimmage but not enter the backfield
unless the ball is handed-off, passed, pitched or touches another player. Teaching Point: RunPass-Options invite defenders to legally cross the line-of-scrimmage.
4) If the ball makes contact (touches) with any player other than the player who took the snap, the
defense is eligible to cross the line-of-scrimmage. They may elect to or not.
5) If the ball makes contact (touches) with any player other than the player who took the snap and
the defense does not cross the line-of-scrimmage and pursue the ball carrier, the player that took
the snap is not permitted to run the ball past scrimmage. Simply touching the ball to another
player does not permit the passer to run.
6) A defensive player that insignificantly crosses the rush line before the snap and immediately selfcorrects and returns to his side of the rush line before he rushes is not penalized. Think “re-set”.
7) A defensive player that insignificantly crosses the line-of-scrimmage after the snap and
immediately self-corrects and returns to his side of the line-of-scrimmage (example: does not
pursue the passer) is not penalized. Think “re-set”.