Game Play and Practice
- Can the defense rush the quarterback?
- Can the Quarterback run with the ball?
- Can we do a side snap?
- Do we need to use the Pick 6 Sports football?
- How are teams seeded for the playoffs?
- How do you score a safety?
- How does scoring work for flag football?
- How long are games?
- How long is practice?
- How many players are on the field at a time?
- How many teams make the playoffs?
- I have my own Flag Football play book. Can I use my own plays?
- On a fumbled snap where does the ball get placed?
- What are expectations around playing time?
- What are the rules for playoff games?
- What are the rules for the games?
- What is the fundamental of the week program?
- What is the playoff format?
- What size football is used?
- When are games cancelled due to weather?
- Who runs the scoreboard at the field?