All Articles
- 2022 Employee Scholarship Program - Applications Due June 30th
- Are cleats required?
- Are coaches required to use the Pick 6 Sports play card?
- Can my child play down an age level to play with their friends?
- Can my child play up a grade level with their friends?
- Can the defense rush the quarterback?
- Can the Quarterback run with the ball?
- Can we do a side snap?
- Do I need to complete a background check every season I coach?
- Do I need to wear my Gridiron Football Coaches Shirt?
- Do we need to use the Pick 6 Sports football?
- Do you offer scholarships or financial assistance?
- Do you provide end of season awards or trophies?
- How are jerseys sized or how do the jersey sizes run?
- How are teams picked or put together?
- How are teams seeded for the playoffs?
- How do I add friend / buddy request to my child's registration after I already registered?
- How do I register to Coach or complete the Online Background Check?
- How do I transfer to a different location? I signed up for the wrong league.
- How do I view my previous seasons roster?
- How do you score a safety?
- How does scoring work for flag football?
- How does the practice and game schedule work weekly?
- How long are games?
- How long is practice?
- How many players are on the field at a time?
- How many teams make the playoffs?
- I have a 4 year old, can they play?
- I have a bunch of kids who want to be on my team. How do I request those kids to be on my team?
- I have an older child who would love a job as a Referee. How do they apply?
- I have my own Flag Football play book. Can I use my own plays?
- I'd like to set up a mid week practice. Are we able to do that?
- I'm not receiving any emails since I've registered for a program?
- If I'm going to miss a game as a coach what do I need to do?
- My child is going to miss some days. Do you prorate the registration cost for your programs?
- My team wants to be a specific color? How do I request that color?
- On a fumbled snap where does the ball get placed?
- What are ages for your Summer Camps?
- What are expectations around playing time?
- What are the ages for your programs?
- What are the divisions or age groups of the teams?
- What are the rules for playoff games?
- What are the rules for the games?
- What is the fundamental of the week program?
- What is the playoff format?
- What is the time commitment for coaching?
- What is your refund policy for Summer Camps?
- What size football is used?
- When are games cancelled due to weather?
- When will I hear about my child's team assignment or schedule?
- When will I hear from my child's coach?
- When will I receive my roster for the upcoming season?
- Who can I contact with questions?
- Who runs the scoreboard at the field?
- Why is the online score showing as 1-0?
- Why isn't my child's team the Seahawks?